Waters Edge United Methodist Church

Waters Edge's building is located on a 10-acre expanse of wooded land.

Our church building began as a horse barn on a 10-acre expanse of wooded land accentuated by giant live oak trees. It was later remodeled into a residence and again remodeled into a home for wayward boys. Waters Edge added another 1,000 square feet and once again renovated the entire structure bringing the total size to about 7500 square feet.

Today’s building consists of a combination sanctuary/fellowship hall, a kitchen, a lobby, handicap-accessible bathrooms, offices, and a conference room. Upstairs are children’s classrooms, a nursery, a viewing area with speakers, a library area, and a small kitchen.

An auxiliary structure houses our youth room with a separate storage area for lawn care equipment.

We posted on our narthex wall a drawing illustrating our campus with a beautiful new building. Unfortunately, we have put those pre-covid dreams on hold as we rebuild our congregation.

Pastor and Wife

It was a pleasure and a delight when I was able to announce that I would be returning to Waters Edge for another year. A bishop in New York once remarked; “Every church deserves a new pastor every year, and every pastor deserves a new church every year.”

I found this an invitation for growth and to “become”.

In our world we have a tendency to focus on two things; ourselves and our past accomplishments. It is a backward looking attitude and not looking forward in hope and expectation.

As a new pastor and a new church we do not have past accomplishments. So, what do we have? Only the hope for today and the expectation of tomorrow. In order that we can proclaim, “I trust in you, O LORD; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hand..” (Ps. 31:14-15)

This invitation to grow also carries with it the potential to “become”. What is it that we are becoming? It is an important question. Are we becoming more like the world around us? Or, are we becoming more Christ-like? Our time together today, tomorrow, and in the coming year are in the Lord’s hands, so let us be intentional in our desire to have “the mind of Christ”.

Hans J Hamm

What to expect on your arrival

Since our founding, Waters Edge has sought to be a different kind of church. A church where every person is welcomed as a gift from God. Where we love and support rather than judge, and where we are safe to explore who and whose we are.

A heartfelt welcome

So, no matter your geographic roots, gender identity, the color of your skin, your education, political persuasion, or sexual orientation, no matter if you are full of faith or full of doubt, you are welcome.

WHY? Because God loves you and made you … and God doesn’t make mistakes!

Name tags help all to communicate

Just inside the front door, you will begin to meet and greet other people. Using name tags helps avoid the embarrassment of forgotten names and encourages us to talk with and get to know those attending Sunday service. 

This is an excellent place to ask about our children’s programs. Background-checked church members lead both nursery and children’s Sunday groups. During services, the upstairs area is locked to provide additional protection for the children.

Coffee Fellowship
A time to say hello

Freshly tagged, you will enter the sanctuary and discover how coffee and cookies prompt fellowship. Old friends greet each other, and new friends are discovered. Look around, and you will find the dress code informal and the natives friendly.

Our Praise Band leads with uplifting music

Select your seat and then stand. Sounds conflicted, but when the music starts, you will find yourself on your feet and joining everyone in the song. Clap your hands and enjoy the Praise Band. The music is inspirational and will put a smile on your face and in your heart.

Some Annoucements

Early in Sunday’s service announcements are made about upcoming events and items of interest. We get the same type of information through our weekly newsletter. Everyone is encouraged to participate. So, make your choice and sign-up. Participation in the various ministries leads to friendships and happiness.

Children's Time

A unique feature of our service is gathering the children in front of the altar for a biblical message. The teacher often poses questions to the children. Their answers bring smiles or sometimes outright laughter. Note the pastor positioned among his younger flock.


When a sermon is given and relates to today’s world, it is easy to connect the dots between the biblical story and our present environment. Driving home after the Sunday service, I often smile as I contemplate the Waters Edge Sunday experience.